
Big Idea for the Message Series:
He is a personal God who meets us at the point of our deepest need! “TheBibleisn’taboutpeopletryingtodiscoverGod,butaboutGodreachingouttofindus.” ~John
Stott, Basic Christianity.
Today’s Passage- Luke 2:25-35
What are you waiting for? What has God asked you to obey Him about that hasn’t been fulfilled yet?
A. Two Physical Characteristics (vs 25)
1. Lived in Jerusalem the political and religious center of Israel.
2. His name was Simeon which means “God has Heard!”
B. ThreeSpiritualCharacteristics(vs25)
1. : Shows his obedience of the Word toward other people. 2. : Expresses his obedience of the Word toward God.
“There are big blocks of time when we do not see the fulfilment.” ~ Bill Morecraft
3. The was upon him. Simeon was specially chosen by
God to do something specific for God. We learn what this task was in verse 26.
C. TheWaitingisOver(Verses27-35)
Everything we do needs to be according to the Word of God. If God’s Word has not said it, you most likely cannot trust it. We often depend on things for which we have no guarantee!
D. Three Promises Revealed:
1. Salvation for . (vs 30-32)
“Yet as I read the birth stories about Jesus I cannot help but conclude that though the world may be tilted toward the rich and powerful, God is tilted toward the underdog.” ~ Phillip Yancey
2. There is a divine assignment that will have a . (vs. 34-35)
Jesus does not give us all the details of His plan knowing that our desire for obedience on our terms fuels us to derail what He has for us.
3. It’s no longer about our outward performance. It’s about the of our heart (vs. 35). What externally challenges us reveals what is already in our character. Whatever we resort to that is taking matters into our own hands becomes us doing what

Saul does with the witch of Endor. (see 1 Samuel 28). “Like King Saul, many of us have our own versions of a witch of Endor” ~ Dallas Willard
II. ANNA Luke 2:36-38 400 years of silence!
Biblical pattern: God speaks, and others confirm it. Simeon spoke, the prophet Anna confirmed it. what you hear God speaking to you.
Who is Anna? A widow – shaped by grief and loss, and she was a faithful worshipper. Faithful in her church community and in her personal faith. (vs. 37)
Anna showed up where God directed her to be and prophesied about Jesus. (vs. 38).
All that waiting, the loss, and the worshipping made her ready for the moment she met the baby.
1. Prayerful expectancy
2. Righteous
3. Devout
4. Holy Spirit
5. All people
6. Cost
7. Motive
8. Prophet
9. Test
10. Know
11. Devoted
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